jeudi 21 mars 2013

[SCCM 2012 & Intune] Mobile management - Part 5: Getting reports on Mobile devices with SCCM 2012 SP1

This article is the 5th of a series concerning Mobile Management with SCCM 2012 SP1 and Windows Intune.

In the last article of this series, we are going to see how to get information and reports on mobile devices in SCCM 2012 SP1.
For configuration compliance, read the part 4 of this series: Managing Mobile device configuration with SCCM 2012 SP1.


1. General information about Devices

In the Configuration Manager console, open the Asset and Compliance workspace
Expand the Devices node

First of all, you can notice that mobile devices have a special icon.
As usual, you can get information in the properties window of the device.

Click right on the mobile device.
Note that you've got here all feature to block or wipe your device.
Select Start and click on Resource Explorer

Here is an example of what you get for an iPhone
The first node show you current hardware configuration, the next one contains history of the configuration

2. Generating reports

SCCM 2012 SP1 contains by default a lot of reports
Open the Monitoring workspace
Expand Reportings>Reports and Open the Device Management folder

The first report to use is certainly All mobile device clients

Count of mobile devices by operating system provides the distribution of devices with a really pretty graph. A apologize, I have got only iOS devices in that lab ;o)

2 reports are made precisely for Windows Intune :
 - List of devices enrolled per user in Windows Intune
 - Number of devices enrolled per user in Windows Intune

I hope you enjoy this series.
Feel free to contact me if you look for information.

See you soon

1 commentaire:

  1. Absolutely great article Julien. This helped me a lot. Tanks vor tat ans Keep up the good work! Stefan


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